
作品标题: 《藏地蓝岸 Blue lake》
作品编号: A01733 活动组别: 彩色组  
作品简介: 拍摄于八月的羊卓雍措湖畔,晴日下的羊卓雍措显现出极致美丽的宝石蓝色,与岸边绿草地互为映衬形成一幅绝美的风景画。圣湖之名名副其实,站在湖边实在是一种享受,油然而生“此景只应天上有”的感叹。Photographed on the Bank of yangzhuoyongcuo Lake in August, yangzhuoyongcuo shows an extremely beautiful gem blue under a sunny day, setting off each other with the green grass on the bank to form a beautiful landscape painting. The name of the holy lake is worthy of its name. Standing by the lake is really an en


  • 拍摄时间:2021/8/24 拍摄地点:中国西藏自治区山南市羊卓雍措